Addy & Murphy
Meet Addy and Murphy, a delightful sibling pair with a heartwarming story. These two were purchased as pets and were cherished by their owner, who even dressed them up in clothes and took them for walks on leashes. However, as they grew, their owner realized that Addy and Murphy needed more space than they could provide and made the decision to bring them to Welcome Home.
Now, Addy and Murphy are thriving in their new home. They are the ultimate duo, inseparable day and night. Known as the king and queen of belly rubs, they literally fall over at people's feet, hoping for a good scratch. Their love for belly rubs is matched only by their love for each other.
As some of our first rescues, Addy and Murphy have taken on the important role of welcoming new pigs and showing them the ropes. Their gentle and friendly nature makes them perfect ambassadors for the sanctuary, and they excel in this role, helping newcomers feel at ease.
By sponsoring Addy and Murphy, you are not only supporting their care but also helping us continue our mission to rescue and provide a safe haven for more pigs in need. Your sponsorship ensures that Addy and Murphy can keep enjoying their days filled with belly rubs, companionship, and the peace of the sanctuary.
Sponsor Addy & Murphy monthly, or with a one-time donation!
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