Moira joined our sanctuary when her previous owners moved to a property that wasn't zoned for turkeys. Since then, she has become an integral part of our sanctuary family.
Full of sass and elegance, just like her namesake, Moira loves to talk and keeps everyone updated with all the sanctuary gossip. Her beauty and vibrant personality make her an unforgettable presence at the sanctuary.
Moira reminds us daily of the huge personalities that turkeys have, and her charm and elegance make her a standout among the residents. By sponsoring Moira, you help ensure her well-being and health. From medical check-ups to regular feedings and everything in-between, your donation means Moira is never stuck up Schitt’s Creek without a paddle!
Sponsor Moira monthly, or with a one-time donation!
Moira currently has no monthly sponsors; you could be the first!