Flora is a broad-breasted turkey, a breed that has been genetically modified by the meat industry to grow very large, very quickly. It's crucial that she maintains a healthy weight, as becoming too big would make her body too heavy for her legs to support.
Originally meant to become a Thanksgiving meal, Flora's survival is a testament to the value of her precious life. She is incredibly gentle, beautiful, loving, friendly, and social. Flora's friendly personality is a constant reminder that turkeys are friends, not food, and that they are deserving of love and a long, fulfilling life.
By sponsoring Flora, you’re making a meaningful difference in her life. Your monthly donations ensure that she receives proper care, nourishment, and attention. From feeding to medical check-ups, your support contributes to her overall well-being.
Sponsor Flora monthly, or with a one-time donation!
Flora currently has no monthly sponsors; you could be the first!