

Pepper's journey is one of incredible resilience and determination. Born with a spinal malformation that severely limited the mobility of his back legs, Pepper was surrendered to us by a pig farmer. We were told by vets that Pepper would never be able to thrive and live a happy, joyful life. However, we saw something different in Pepper — we saw his will to live and his unyielding spirit.

Determined to give Pepper the life he deserved, we took him to the OSU Large Animal Hospital, where he received laser treatment and water therapy. These treatments helped improve his mobility, and though he still doesn't have full use of his back legs, Pepper gets around more than most pigs at the sanctuary. Remarkably, he doesn't seem to be aware of his limitations, embracing each day with enthusiasm and joy.

Pepper's story is a powerful reminder that every animal deserves a chance. He has shown us that with a little help and a lot of love, even the greatest challenges can be overcome. By sponsoring Pepper, you are not only supporting his ongoing care and therapy but also standing with us in our mission to provide hope and a better life for animals like him. Join us in celebrating Pepper's courage and determination. Your sponsorship will ensure that Pepper continues to receive the care he needs to thrive and live a happy, fulfilled life.

Sponsor Pepper monthly, or with a one-time donation!

Pepper currently doesn’t have any monthly sponsors, you could be the first!



